Hi, all, and happy Tuesday!
First, some amazing news about last Tuesday’s elections in NC:
The Democrats won a clean sweep in Huntersville, the second largest town (62,000 people) in Mecklenburg County, NC. Christy Clark got just under 50% of the vote in a three-way race for mayor - amazing! All six Democrats won for Huntersville Board of Commissioners. None of them are incumbents. That means the town government goes from Republican mayor and five of six Republican commissioners to Democratic mayor and six of six Democratic commissioners.
All three Democratic endorsed candidates (two Black, and the first-ever Latina for a school district that is 30% Latinx) also won for School Board. They stopped pro-Charter school, anti-teacher candidates. This was also a breakthrough by the newly invigorated county Democratic Party under chair Drew Kromer.
This is all part of All In For NC’s shared strategy to build the party as a powerful, year-round force that can turn out tens of thousands net new votes for Democrats in 2024, and take back two state House seats from Republicans, including that of the infamous party-switcher Tricia Cotham.
They have one last request for phone banking this year. The MeckDems want us to make a round of volunteer calls that are a combination of thanks and inviting to upcoming events. They will do that on Sunday. Can you help?
November 19 calls to build the foundation for winning in 2024
But wait, there’s more!
The Road to Our NC - 2024 on Monday, November 20, 4 pm ET
Hear three amazing NC leaders lay out The Road to Our NC - 2024 at All in For NC’s last monthly meeting of the year – Monday, Nov. 20, at 4:00 pm ET.
Jazmyne Childs, Deputy Director of Put NC First, will speak and moderate. After five years at Advance Carolina, she joined Put NC First.
Jessica Laurenz, Executive Director of Put NC First, had previously been the NC America Votes director and a Planned Parenthood staffer for the Southeast US.
Chavi Koneru, founding Executive Director of NC Asian-Americans Together - one of the first groups we supported in the state, in 2021. She was previously at NC Policy Watch and NC NARAL Pro-Choice America.
This will be your best chance to hear and ask questions about the plan to knock on 3.8 million doors, the highest level of field activity in NC since Obama won in 2008.
Monthly Meeting - Monday, November 20, 4 pm ET
And finally….
Winning North Carolina Just Started with Mecklenburg County
Tuesday, December 5, 7:30 pm ET
Join Sen. Rev. Raphael Warnock on December 5
Come hear one of America’s most profound political and moral leaders, Sen. Rev. Raphael Warnock of GA. He’ll be calling for historic investment in an important new piece of progressive infrastructure in North Carolina, the state and Mecklenburg County Democratic Parties under youthful, energetic, new leadership this year.
Sen. Warnock will be joined by freshman Congressman Jeff Jackson, whose district was wildly gerrymandered last month in order to create a safe seat for the Republican State House speaker to run in! Also speaking will be the two young Party Chairs, Anderson Clayton (NCDP) and Drew Kromer (MCDP). The brilliant NC America Votes Director Ashlei Blue will moderate.
We believe you’ll be inspired, educated, motivated and impressed. Please join us.
Winning North Carolina - Tuesday, December 5, 7:30 pm ET
OK, all. More soon! I’m co-hosting both of the above events so come see me!