Hey, Team NC!
Happy October, and happy end to the presidential debate news cycles! Let us rejoice by phonebanking, letter writing, etc. But, before we get into it, if you haven't yet read this Washington Post article on the potential for NC to signal an early, resounding election-night victory, you should. It’s a great reminder of why the volunteering and donating you all are doing is some of the most important work happening this election season. So, THANK YOU!!
On to the protein- how you can get involved. First up, All in for NC is hosting some great recurring phonebanks up until election day:
Every Sunday evening you can call registered Dems in the Charlotte/Mecklenburg area. These are easy calls targeting potential volunteers, campaigners, and strategists in order to build out the Mecklenburg Co. Democratic Party. Sign up here! (Or join SBA’s phonebank to the same end on Wednesday evenings, if that’s more convenient for you).
You can phonebank for Ryan Cohen (HD-32) every Thursday evening- this is a super close race and every call helps! Click here to sign up.
Also, get excited for early voting (which starts October 17) by joining All in for North Carolina for a really cool virtual event this Monday! You’ll hear the State Project’s analysis of the most important statehouse races, learn how grassroots campaigns and nonprofits are making progress in NC, and hear from candidates Martin Moore and Bryan Cohn. Sign up here.
Next up, get involved with Turnout Nation. They’re a nonprofit group focused on mobilizing young people and disenfranchised groups. They’re looking for volunteer organizers (ideally college students, but anyone can apply) to help recruit “Voting Captains” in the state. Voting Captains leverage their connections to drive up turnout by identifying ten people in their life who might need some encouragement to vote, and convincing them to do so. Research shows that this type of personal canvassing is highly effective!!
Click here to learn more – this is a great opportunity to send to any young people in your life who are looking to get involved in the election, and/or want something low-lift to add to their resume. To apply, email your resume or LinkedIn profile to Maria@Turnout Nation.org.
Lastly, write letters with Vote Forward! They have multiple campaigns in NC that still need writers- one for turning out likely Dems, and another encouraging young, underrepresented North Carolinians to vote. Send your letters by October 29.
OK, that’s it for now- THANK YOU. More soon!
I donated $100 and wonder how we can get a bunch of people getting their friends and colleagues to the polls this month? Jessica, If you read this, I would like to get our initiative going here in Western NC. (a blue area but we are mostly concerned with Hurricane Helene disaster recovery. I am at lynnemichelson@icloud.com.
I just signed up to be a voting captain as I live in NC. It is crucial we get out the vote here and I am focused first on Buncombe County where I live (Asheville) as we are not focused yet on the early voting. I also will be, if not here working in Mecklenberg.